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Understand Your Credit Report in 30 Minutes

Understand Your Credit Report in 30 Minutes

Learn how to check your credit score and understand your credit report in just 30 minutes with our free on-demand webinar.

What’s in the Webinar?

The average credit score in Canada is 762*. Do you know how you stack up? If you don’t know your credit score or have no idea where to find it or your credit report, these 30 minutes could change your future. 

Yes, we know this sounds dramatic, but… if you understand your credit report, you’ll be able to make decisions that will positively impact your finances now and for the rest of your life.

In this 30-minute webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Why your credit history matters
  • The difference between your credit score and your credit report
  • How to check your credit score
  • How to read your credit report.

Free On-Demand Webinar